Monday, September 17, 2012

A friend recommended that I use a blog for several short essay-type articles, some of which were not a good fit for our church Newsletter where they were being published one per month in a column named "Hinesight".

In agreement with her, I sought out a free, easy way to start.  Blogger is the first  found and was not too difficult to set up- so, here it is.

I'll probably post some poems, also; maybe some song lyrics, short stories, novel excerpts, (good) jokes, opinions, short original dramas; life events, who knows what else.

Where to start?  Maybe a theological disclaimer:

I am a Christian.  I do not believe in Bible inerrancy.  I believe that the historicity of the Bible is severely compromised and distorted by its authors, and unfrotunately, many of its interpreters, lay and professional.  I believe that Biblical literalists, Bible thumping fundamentalists are the biggest threat to Christianity today.  Their faith is weak in that they have to have magical, hocus pocus, out of touch with twenty-first-century-reality stories to bolster their belief in the living God and the living Christ.  Their insistence on the "inerrant 'Word of God'" and their dogmatic insistence that their way of believing is the only way, and their attempts to impose those views on the rest of humanity- destroys the real meaning of creation and salvation demonstrated metaphorically in the Bible.

My writing is usually benevolently irreverent, sometimes tongue-in-cheek benevolently irreverent.  This approach frequently gets me in trouble with readers who don't pick up the 'tongue-in-cheek benevolent' part.  But, that's the way I write.  I don't want to include literal explanations to keep those who are so inclined from going down the wrong track.  If they don't get it, then 'tough shitsky'! (The previous sentence is an example of benevolent irreverence.)

Some of my poetry is self exposing.  I think I will include two of them in the next blog entries. I will save the (sometimess facetious) heavy essays for later.

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