Monday, July 20, 2015

RockParty--back cover (draft)

       American voters are disgusted with negative campaigning, smear and attack ads, and with the obscene amounts of money spent on them in presidential elections. Republicans and Democrats are equally guilty and feel immune to efforts to change their practice.
       No third party—a party which is not Republican or Democrat—has ever had a chance at winning, or will ever have a chance at winning, the presidency. A vote for a third party candidate only dilutes the number of votes the major party candidates will get. The net effect is the difference between how many would have voted Republican,  and how many would have voted for the Democrat.
       The Rock Party emerges vowing to use no negative campaigning and spend no money on TV or radio ads, a strategy so preposterous that everyone who hears describes it as absurd. The new party has no purpose other than to elect a president who is neither a Republican nor a Democrat.
       The media, broadcast and print, so pressure candidate Will Henry to disclose  policies and platform, that voter sympathy catapults the rogue party into contention—enough to be invited to presidential debates. Resentment of the way panelists and major party nominees treat Will further propels RockParty up in the polls.

       The absurd strategy lands him in a tight race on election night.

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